By Venkat Ankam, Co-founder of Dha3R NGO. Waste disposal in urban environments, particularly in rapidly expanding cities like Hyderabad, presents formidable obstacles. The emergence of Garbage Vulnerable Points (GVPs), informal dumping grounds, intensifies concerns related to health, environmental degradation, and visual appeal. Let’s delve into the process by which these GVPs arise, the complications they generate, and explore strategies for […]
The Plastic Recycling Myth: How It’s Fueling the Plastic Problem
Introduction Plastic recycling has long been hailed as a solution to the environmental challenges posed by the global plastic crisis. Many of us have felt a sense of relief when we toss our empty water bottles or old food containers into the recycling bin, thinking that we’re doing our part to reduce the environmental impact of plastics. However, the reality […]
India’s Struggle with Single-Use Plastics: A Ban in Retrospect
Author: Sivani Kona, MBA, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. What are single-use plastics(SUPs)? The word Single-use plastics (SUPs), denotes that these goods are made basically from fossil fuel-based petrochemicals meant mainly for single-use, which is thrown away right after the use. This “Thrown away Culture” opened the floodgates of all sorts of present-day chaos of environmental, socio-economic, and health hazards, climatic change, damage […]